Sunday, September 11, 2005

A Reminiscence From Vermont

Some thoughts from a free-thinker in Vermont... awoke shortly before dawn this morning, September 9, 2005. I lay there and knew that, at that exact moment, forty years earlier, shortly before dawn on September 9, 1965, the eye of Hurrican Betsy crossed over New Orleans. I was awake, inside my home in New Orleans at that moment. I had watched the street in front of my parents' home fill with water all through the night. I watched a small Toyota automobile float from one side of the street to another, finally lodging on a row of hedges in between two house, a couple doors down. When the eye crossed, it was eerily, suddenly silent. Pitch black, and silent. The next morning, I went fishing, standing on the sidewalk and casting out into the street. I caught two fish. Neither was as large as the one that's been photoshopped into this picture of the two Presidents Bush. But it really did happen. In my case.


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