Sunday, September 11, 2005

Mumbai Vs. New Orleans

A forward from a friend's friend......................................... You’ve guessed it, this came from a friend in India….. I couldn’t' stop making this comparison.. inches of rain in new orleans due to hurricane katrina... 18 inches of rain in mumbai (July 27th).... 37.1 population of new orleans... 484,674 population of mumbai.... 12,622,500 deaths in new orleans within 48 hours of katrina...100 deaths in mumbai within 48hours of rain.. 37. number of people to be evacuated in new orleans... entire city..wohh number of people evacuated in mumbai...10,000 Cases of shooting and violence in new orleans...Countless Cases of shooting and violence in mumbai.. NONE Time taken for US army to reach new orleans... 48hours Time taken for Indian army and navy to reach mumbai...12hours status 48hours orleans is still waiting for relief, army and electricty status 48hours later..mumbai is back on its feet and is business is as usual's most developed nation India...third world country.. oopss...did i get the last fact wrong??? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- And the fiery response from another friend............................................. Steve: Is this payback time or what? How many people died in the streets of India last night? How many "terrorists" were killed by Indian troops in Kashmir? How many Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs have been killed in the past 6 months in India because someone spit in the wrong direction or failed to worship the right idol? Bush and Blanco and the congress screwed up big time in Louisiana and Iraq( Bush/Cheney). But gloating by a Brahmin from India is in very poor taste. Oh yes, I forgot to ask how many wives were burned for lack of a sufficient dowry. And how many of the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of recent immigrants to the US from India have served in the Peace Corps, the military or any other humanitarian work at low pay and long hours? Take care Ed


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