Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The Pipe of Peace and Friendship

Russ...Thanks for the kind words. I am very fortunate to have a friend like you. I trust you'll keep me updated with current mailing addresses once you move? Also, I'm sure you'll be stopping in the Boston orPortsmouth, NH region when you have your boat. And I better be on that thing getting shmammered and talking philosophy with you. You have been a very positive influence in my life inthe last five years, my good friend. And all this based on two personal meetings and a mind-expanding series of e-mails over the years...Now THAT'S awesome...I'll be in touch...Warmest regards, my good friend...G-- ---------------------------------------------------- Yes, G--, I agree that this friendship is awesome. I appreciate the thoughts and caring we share through written words. It's a way to express ideas in a considered manner. Many times, in a "real time" friendship, the deeper subjects become lost in casual banter. And of course ... when the boat's anchor is set we'll issue the grog and smoke the philosophy pipe. That is one aspect of sailing I look forward to very much. Let me know what you think about the research and the ideas outlined in the book coming your way. Take care, good friend. Russ


Blogger PipeTobacco said...


Did you know that in many Native American cultures the tobacco used in the traditional "peace pipe" was not Nicotina tabacum but was instead Nicotina rustica? N. tabacum is the primary leaf we currently smoke and was widely used by Native Americans, but in some groups the N. rustica was used in the peace pipe ceremony because of its much higher nicotine content... supposedly strong enough to produce mild hallucinations if smoked in its pure form. Some pipe tobacco mixtures from Eastern Europe blend a bit of rustica in their mixes even to this day. That is why some of those tobaccos are considered harsh by the novice.


11:43 PM  

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