Tuesday, December 13, 2005

God In The Mirror

(Excerpt from a friend's e-mail...and my reply...)------> For people who, for what ever reason, don't have God to pray to (and/or argue with), must be very unhappy, indeed. More to come, G--, I just had to fire this off. (It's been forwarded to several groups already.) Peace and Comfort to you. Regards. Lowell ----------------------------------------------------------- Many thanks for the note...I have to ask...How do you feel about people who just don't BELIEVE? For my own part, I know there's something/SOMEONE that links the whole pattern together, shows me enough to reject the concept of random happenstance...but what to call it? How to quantify it? I don't even try...I just cobble together the wisdom that I can...Your book THE RAGAMUFFIN GOSPEL played a part in that. Other inspirations came from friends, movies, songs, and random meetings with strangers...All part of the pattern...a pattern that's too big to wrap my head around. But that's okay...I'm not required to. I've been banging out the Christmas cards with various permutations of Christmas music playing. Chillout electronica has even gotten into the act...(You know...when you don't want to hear stuff like Celine Dion or any graduate from AMERICAN IDOL...BLECH.) Favorite holiday tune this year...JUST LIKE CHRISTMAS from a band called LOW. Nice rockabilly shuffle, sleigh-bells in there, catchy guitar-hooks...makes me happy. A Christmas gift in itself... Hope you're well, Captain. I'm glad that you're out there, my friend...GaP


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